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Ugljan - Lejligheder, Vaerelser, Huse, Luksus villaer

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Riviera Ugljan Lejligheder Kroatien

Apartments - Ugljan Island, Croatia


If you're looking for a peaceful summer vacation, accommodation on Ugljan is a great choice. Its coastal villages are dotted with beautiful coves so be sure to check our choice of affordable apartments and holiday houses located near pebble beaches. If you're planning to bring your pet along, here's our selection of pet-friendly accommodation.
Ugljan is rich with history which is visible even today. Take a walk along the sea and you'll see hundred-year-old olive trees and vineyards, and witness one of the oldest fishing tradition in the Adriatic. When ever you want to experience some fun cultural events, there's the city of Zadar - just a short boat ride away. Learn more about Ugljan

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